W.H.I.S.P. Bodywork and Therapeutic Massage is a local company that only hires highly trained Massage Therapists to help you and your employees live a happier, more productive, and healthier life. Regular Massage can help your employees through stressful times and improve their productivity throughout the year: 1. Massage Boosts Mental Clarity and Focus Massage clears the mental cobwebs and provides clarity. In several studies, adults who received a 15-minute chair massage over the course of 5 weeks showed improved cognitive skills and alertness. 2. Massage Reduces Stress According to the Mayo Clinic, massage has proven to be an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain, and muscle tension. Some studies have also found that massage can help people suffering from anxiety, headaches, digestive disorders, sports injuries, joint pain, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain. Considering how many people sit at their desks for long hours, a therapeutic massage may be just what they need to feel relaxed, think clearly, and be more productive. Additionally, a growing body of research now indicates that massage can help boost your immune system. If you want to stay healthy during cold and flu season, scheduling a weekly massage may be exactly what you need. 3. Massage Sparks Creative Ideas Have you ever experienced an “a-ha!” moment and wished that you could duplicate that flow of creative thought? By creating mental clarity, massage can unlock deep-seated ideas and allow positive energy to flow. Everyone wants employees who are on top of their game, and having the bandwidth to brainstorm ideas is an essential element of a productive team. 4. Massage Helps You Sleep Better Getting better sleep is one of the best ways to get your workday started off right. Regular massage improves both the quality and length of your sleep. When you receive a massage you’re naturally more relaxed and ready to get a great night of sleep. 5. Massage Lowers Your Blood Pressure Massage is proven to reduce blood pressure. Lower blood pressure can help ease the effects of daily stress, allowing tension to be released. Even better, regulating blood pressure considerably reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke. 6. Massage Alleviates Repetitive Stress Symptoms like Carpal Tunnel On-the-job/Repetitive Motion injuries are often caused by repeatedly using the same postures and performing the same movements on a regular basis. Typing at the computer, digging a trench, or even riding in a car for long hours can all lead to dysfunction in the body if continued long enough without postural adjustments, stretching, and regular movement. Massage has been proven effective in not only treating, but also preventing more serious repetitive use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. 7. Massage Relieves Muscle Tension and Headaches We all deal with aches and pains from time to time, but when the tension brings you to the point of calling in sick to work, you know it’s gone too far. Massage reduces muscle tension, and can prevent the onset of headaches. If you’ve ever had a case of “tech neck” from staring at a computer screen or looking down at your phone all day long, a relaxing massage is the perfect remedy. 8. Massage Can Help Increase Your Productivity In the past 10+ years, 11% of all companies have offered regular workplace massages to employees; this number is estimated to climb to 14% by 2018. Corporate massages typically involve having a massage therapist come to the office and provide 15-minute or 30-minute chair massages for employees. We have a number of different packages or we can customize a package for you and your employees. We care about our clients and customize our work for each.